Thursday, July 9, 2009

A list on belonging
· power
· money
· respect
· good looks
· friends
· loyalty
· popularity
· physical strength
· connections
· charisma
· deception
Do you really need all this in order to fit in?
Why can you not just be yourself?
Is that not good enough for you or for other people?
I say forget about other people!!!
Be yourself and be free
The truth is in order to fit in you need to be yourself
No trick to it, just be yourself
The world is NOT about you but YOUR WORLD IS ABOUT YOU
Be free and you belong to something that truly matters,


  1. These two discourses are very effective. I like the strength of attitude in the first one--a kind of exasperation with people who are not genuine, so you get in their face a little bit. It works, and it's not too in your face, just a strong reminder. The dialogue is great and ties into your theme perfectly. I am looking forward to seeing the third piece. Good luck--you are a writer, a thinker, and a you have a lot to show people about being true to themselves.


  2. I like your list. it's not short at all. it has a lot of meaning behind each word. Great job!

  3. I really like your ending. It's a good thing that you recognize that the world doesn't revolve around one person, but that person can "make" their own so it does. Great job!!
